A severe storm can cause serious damage to your roof. If your roof damage is serious enough, you may need to hire a professional roofing contractor for your roof repairs or even a whole new roof installation.
Serve storm damage can also cause damage that you might not notice from the ground. Here’s what you need to do after a severe storm whether or not there is visible damage.
Areas to Inspect
The first step in assessing your roof damage is to walk the perimeter of your home and look for any visible damage such as fallen shingles, knocked over gutters, tree limbs laying on your roof, or broken glass from skylights. Make sure to also check your attic for holes or water leaks.
Make a detailed list and take pictures of any damage you see. This will be helpful when submitting claim information to your homeowners insurance provider.
It’s important to note that your roof damage may not be obvious which is why you need to call a professional roofing company in Northern VA.
Who to Call
If you feel that you have sustained storm damage, please reach out to your insurance company to find out what action steps you need to take and to understand your policy coverage better. However, do not file a claim immediately unless you have obvious severe damage, such as a tree limb through the roof. We highly recommend having a professional company inspect your property before filing a claim prematurely. Most professional companies will offer this service free of charge. Please keep in mind that insurance companies track the number of claims you file and the last thing you want to do is file an unnecessary claim. You always want to make sure the potential damages are more than your deductible, at the very least. Contacting your insurance company regarding filing a claim or to ask specific questions will never count against your homeowner’s insurance policy. Or you can contact a trusted roofing contractor in Northern VA like SJ Roofing and we can help walk you through the process, your options, and what is in your best interests.
What Not to Do
There are a lot of unprofessional roofing contractors in Northern VA. If the price sounds too good to be true, it likely is. Hiring a shady roofing company in Northern VA can lead to botched roof repairs and especially poor jobs on a new roof installation. Make sure the roofing contractor you choose is reputable and licensed.
Benefits of Having a Professional Roof Inspection to Assess Storm Damage
A professional roofing contractor in Northern VA will be able to properly assess your roof damage with a professional eye. They may notice damage that you did not initially see. They will use this professional assessment to provide you with a quote. This quote should be free with no obligation to hire them. A reputable roofing company in Northern VA will stand behind their reputation as reason enough to hire them.
Once the quote has been made and agreed upon, your roofing company will get started on your roof repairs or roof installation.
A Better Way to Get a Roof
Don’t go with a shady roofing contractor for your roof repairs or new roof installation. Go with the most trusted roofing company in Northern VA. Get your free estimate from St. Joseph’s Roofing today.